Time management and the Indianapolis real estate investor!

24 06 2009

Lee’s notes: Jon and I were talking the other day about Pareto’s 80/20 rule, and motivation etc.. Not sure if that was his motivation for this post, but it’s all good….

Jon Zorrer takes a Cuzz, and talks about time, and how to manage it. Talks about Greg Clement from realeflow.com, and Jack Walker who are creators of the Smart Internet Marketing Solution System(SIMS). Talks about finding 40 new buyers a week with little to no effort. All the deals you can handle while buying, selling, and investing in homes in Indianapolis, or wherever.

Three types of days: focus days, buffer days, and freetime days. Focus days are where you concentrate on the 20% of things that produce revenue(Pareto Principle).  Buffer days are where you catch up, and do the 80% things that need to get done, but don’t necessarily produce revenue. Freetime days are where you do your best to complete no work whatsoever. Basically you take 24 hours to rejuvenate, rest, and regenerate.

Full time investors should be using a schedule of: Mondays are focus days. Tuesday is a buffer day. Wednesday and Thursday are focus days. Friday is a buffer day. Saturday and Sunday are freetime days(try to avoid work at all costs).